Wednesday 4 December 2013

Why Quickbooks India Accountants And Bookkeepers Are Suitable For Your Small Business

Do you want to improve your bookkeeping and accounting functions? If you normally do not monitor your staff closely, they probably have stolen from you. Since you are the business owner, and manager, they know you are busy on other matters and can hardly misconduct. There is a simple way to avoid problems with accountants. This is outsourcing. Instead of depending upon dishonest in-house workers, you could try Quickbooks India professionals.

The problem of unemployment here in the United States is not as dire as it is in third world countries. Therefore you will find that your US accountant or bookkeeper is not very scared of losing their job. They have already gained necessary experience from you and are likely to find part-time jobs. On the other hand, Quickbooks India accountants are ready to serve you. Finding white collar jobs in Asia, India included, is very difficult despite having excellent certificates. So these people have learned to appreciate any kind of work. Once you employ a Quickbooks India expert, you will notice a drastic fall in your office expenses.

While your in-house accountant demands between $100 and $200 per hour, an Indian CPA or CA may demand quarter or half the price. It simply depends on whom you pick. While your bookkeeper demands about $45 per hour, Quickbooks India bookkeepers may be comfortable with $5 to $8 per hour. Is this not a great saving opportunity? Perhaps you have never known the difference between on-site and off-site bookkeeping and accounting. Some outsourced USA companies with Indian branches offer these two types of services.

On-site services are offered when a client wants the work to be done in their office. By so doing they do not fully take advantage of outsourcing. Off-site services are offered from a distant office either in the US or outside the US. It is your responsibility to choose either off-site or on-site outsourced services. In order to get on-site service delivery, you must choose a USA company with branches in India. Otherwise it would be a waste of time and money to bring a Quickbooks India expert to the US. You may be best keeping your in-house accountant. There are many areas of accounting that can be outsourced.

These include tax preparation, accounts payable, accounts receivable, bank reconciliation, balance sheet, profit and loss account and other financial statements. So as you pick your Quickbooks India companies, you should be sure about the areas you want to outsource. These companies will be ready to do everything at a very affordable price. All you have to do is to scan your papers and upload them online. If the company you have chosen prefers that you send scanned copies by email, follow its instructions. There are also some organizations that want you to fax document copies. As soon as your paperwork is received, the company will take care of the rest. Quickbooks India virtual accountants are very intelligent, quick and reliable. They need your business and money and so they cannot disappoint.

Outsourcing QuickBooks Bookkeeping improves financial operations as well as increased the level of efficiency while at the same time curtailing risks and costs. There are many QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services that cater to small and medium businesses worldwide.

Why You Should Work With Online Quickbooks Bookkeepers

Do you want to keep your books easily? Online QuickBooks bookkeepers are very reliable and easy to find. When you want to update your books quickly, this outsourcing option is very reasonable. To begin outsourcing, look for internet-based bookkeeping firms. They are available for twenty-four hours. Any task that is uploaded on their servers is entered is performed overnight. By the time you wake up in the morning you find it saved in the bookkeeping folder. Online QuickBooks bookkeepers are quick, accurate and affordable. Because of their high quality output, your in-house accountant can produce accurate statements.

To help your online QuickBooks bookkeepers perform above your expectations, submit every copy of document they request. Also do not be skeptical about these internet professionals. Although there are unscrupulous services providers online, you can avoid them by taking the time to choose the best ones. If you are looking to complete more bookkeeping tasks each day, you want to hookup with one of the leading companies on the internet. They can be found via Google or any other big search engine. Perhaps your greatest reason for being skeptical is the fear that you would lose control of your assets or private data.

This is not the case as online QuickBooks bookkeepers are only interested in updating your books. They will never ask you to surrender your assets such as money. Instead of paying your suppliers directly, these professionals will simply structure their QuickBooks software to allow you to personally perform this task. Additionally, the business data you share will strictly be your property. It will be safely stored on internet servers so that you can access it anytime you want. When time to finalize your relations with a given service provider comes, this information will be returned to you. It will not be altered or sold.

When you buy services from online Quickbooks Bookkeepers, they will assign either an individual bookkeeper or a group of them. This will depend on the bulkiness of your clerical duties. This expert will be available all through the day just incase you have questions. They will quickly and accurately update your books every day with software. All the documents you send will be grouped in terms of date, name of your customer and type. Because of this special grouping, you can retrieve any document that is kept online but it is no longer in your office. On the same point, you must note that your internet files are backed up every day. So if servers were to clash or collapse, your information would be recovered without problems.

Are you scared about your data security? One cannot blame you since internet crimes are on the rise these days. As you choose suitable online QuickBooks bookkeepers, ensure that you ask about their privacy policy. As well ask them about the tools they use for server encryption. Perhaps you think that internet bookkeeping will complicate your accountants’ work. This is not the case. On the contrary it makes their work easier as you would not have to worry about omitted data or careless mistakes. As a result your accountants will be able to effectively prepare tax return reports, profit and loss accounts and balance sheets among other financial statements.

Outsourcing QuickBooks Bookkeeping improves financial operations as well as increased the level of efficiency while at the same time curtailing risks and costs. There are many QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services that cater to small and medium businesses worldwide.

Quickbooks Outsourcing Tips And Suggestions

Software applications have simplified accounting and bookkeeping. Instead of using calculators and excel to keep accounts, companies are now using different types of software applications. QuickBooks is a good example. Perhaps you already have QuickBooks in your office but your in-house accountant does not know how to use it. Instead of sending them away for training, you should try Quickbooks outsourcing services. In other words you should look for third-party accountants who have unrivaled knowledge in the use of this accounting software.

To get the best Quickbook outsourcing deals, you should use the internet. As well consider offshore accountants who do not overrate their services. The best farming out hub in Asia is India. The country is a leader in IT matters and so use of QuickBook and other accounting software tools is no big deal. In order to pick a reliable service provider, you might want to hire a US-based accounting firm that has branches outside the country. This firm will be the safest Quickbooks outsourcing partner.

It completely understands US business laws and accounting principles and ethics. So you would be right to assume that its offshore accountants can work as if they are Americans. Understanding of English language is important as well. Again this will not be a big bother as long as you try Quickbooks outsourcing through a US-based firm that has subsidiaries abroad. The main reason why local entrepreneurs buy QuickBooks services from foreigners is fair rates.

Local accountants will give you an average rate of 100 to 250 dollars per hour. This will however depend on the complexity of your work. If you buy Quickbooks outsourcing services from abroad, you might save more than one hundred dollars per hour. Offshore accountants often ask for very low rates for high quality results. Some might charge only $20 per hour. This amount is certainly a lot of money in places like Africa and Asia. Quickbooks outsourcing accounting include the following activities.

• Adding customer invoices and supplier bills to the software.

• Reconciling entered data against accounts such as bank, merchant and credit card.

• Producing statements on bank reconciliation, profit and loss account, balance sheet, accounts receivable and accounts payable among others.

• Processing vendor bills via QuickBooks.

• Preparation and filing of payroll tax returns

• Preparation and processing of sales taxes to local and state agencies.

• Filing 1099s and W2 tax reports at the end of the year.

• Saving e-files and documents in folders

• Any other customer activities.

Because you want high quality results, you must as well be organized prior to hiring any online company. List all the accounting duties you would like to farm out. This will help the service provider create an affordable custom-made rate for you. Also you must be concerned about the security of business data. You do not want to risk using an independent online accountant that does not fully encrypt their server. So as you pick the best Quickbooks outsourcing company online, you should ask about your privacy. Many companies use VPN technology to encrypt their servers.

Outsourcing QuickBooks Bookkeeping improves financial operations as well as increased the level of efficiency while at the same time curtailing risks and costs. There are many QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services that cater to small and medium businesses worldwide.

Five Reasons To Use QuickBooks And How To Outsource Your Work

Are you familiar with the concept of outsourcing? This is all about delegation of tasks to a company that is not affiliated with yours in any way. This company is totally independent and equipped. It does not require anything from you except the agreed service fees and project instructions. Accounting and bookkeeping are among the most sensitive and complex areas of your business. So it would make perfect sense to outsource Quickbooks. Whether you want someone who could keep your books or balance them, outsourced companies are the best. Before you can outsource Quickbooks, you should understand why software accounting and bookkeeping is preferred to manual work. The following are five reasons why

• The software is on the internet for 24-hours. So you could access it when you want.

• This application allows the user to send customer invoices or statements via an email address.

• It consists of over fifty business reports that can be customized.

• It is designed to comprehend varied types of accounting functions.

• Many users of this software unanimously agree that it is both economical and user-friendly.

If your small company has capital limitations, you may want to outsource Quickbooks abroad. Many USA accounting firms will not assist you much in your difficult situation. They are locally-based as well and are thus facing the same economical challenges as you. Overseas accountants live in countries where the cost of living is not insanely high. Hence they do not put too high a price on their services. They also do not face very strict environments for doing business. You will find that in third world countries internet earnings are not taxed.

Their governments are not yet familiar with these lucrative businesses that happen online. Because of this reason, it is cheap to outsource Quickbooks to overseas accounting firms because they are not taxed. There is very little paper work needed to engage with international Chartered accountants or CPAs. You might be requested to scan and fax or email certain documents to the destination you have chosen. Much of the interactions between you and the service provider will be on an encrypted server. It will be totally safe and convenient.

One thing you can be sure of is that any company that dares to let you outsource Quickbooks to it has very confident workers. What’s more, this accounting firm has many more qualified workers than you will ever have. Offshore CPAs and CAs are trained about the American accounting principles and practices. These professionals know exactly what you want to see in QuickBooks. They have undergone the Intuit’s advanced training on QBs. With this in mind, you should outsource Quickbooks to a trustworthy internet bookkeeper or accountant.

Just to give you a hint, Indians are the most preferred experts. Many business owners here in the US farm out their tax, bookkeeping and accounting work to India. The QuickBooks internet edition is able to encode your data via an encrypted server. To further protect your private data, many offshore companies allow workers a very restricted access to your documents and files. As you can see now, you do not have any reason not to Outsource Quickbooks to the most reputable accounting firms in India or any other country.

Outsourcing QuickBooks Bookkeeping improves financial operations as well as increased the level of efficiency while at the same time curtailing risks and costs. There are many QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services that cater to small and medium businesses worldwide.

Choose Your Quickbooks Bookkeeping Company With Caution

There are many reasons why entrepreneurs prefer outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping. This service particularly attracts small business owners who either lack time or bookkeeping skills. These small organizations also suffer shortage of staff because of high costs of maintaining a US-based bookkeeper. The average rate for a US bookkeeper is roughly $45. This rate contains the extra cost of maintaining them in your office. For instance, your full-time bookkeeper deserves ergonomic office furniture and equipment.

They are also entitled to paid leaves, free training and frequent performance appraisals to provide a basis for their promotions or salary raises. Outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping will allow you to access hundreds of highly competent bookkeepers. What is even more amazing about these independent clerks is that they work remotely. They will never bother you in the office. These companies have fully-equipped offices and they incur their overheads alone. This is why they claim to have ability to reduce fifty percent of your office expenditures.

Their rates are very affordable, competitive and attractive to small business owners. When outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping, you should be careful though. There are internet-based QuickBooks professionals who end up charging you more than your in-house bookkeeper does. They make you incur the cost of setting up software. This can range between 395 and 495 dollars. They also sort of sell you an account on their server, which could cost between 70 and 100 dollars. If you add the above estimated costs to their hourly rate, which is between 35 and 45 dollars, you will see how unfair these companies can be.

As stated above you should be very careful when picking outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping firms here in the US. The most prudent thing to do would be using USA accounting firms that have subsidiaries in Asia. This continent has many highly qualified professionals who are familiar with the US bookkeeper’s ethics and principles. They have been trained to keep books like the American professionals. The only difference is that these offshore QuickBooks experts are more economical. If you want to free your time to focus on managing other areas of your business, then outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping is meant for you.

It is also the perfect solution to those of you who have overloaded or incompetent bookkeepers. Outsourcing QuickBooks bookkeeping assures you total satisfaction in terms of speed, results and customer care. Since the keeping of book is a non-core function, you can smoothly outsource it. The outworker is not interested in your customers. Their interest is in your small business. They want to help it grow by handling the bookkeeper’s role, which is usually lengthy, sensitive and tiring.

Because your presence is not required in India, for instance, time that you would otherwise use for supervision is automatically unlocked. Since you also do not have to travel to the remote destination where your clerical assignment is being processed, you can automatically save money for other pending tasks. Everything that your service provider is doing at any given time can be seen online in real time. Technology can obviously allow this. After outsourcing QuickBook bookkeeping, you can follow up the progress on Skype, social media, email or instant chat massagers.

Outsourcing QuickBooks Bookkeeping improves financial operations as well as increased the level of efficiency while at the same time curtailing risks and costs. There are many QuickBooks Bookkeeping Services that cater to small and medium businesses worldwide.